Health & Safety Policy

Over 5000 people are injured every year in offices alone. It is everyone's responsibility to help prevent accidents happening.
Machinery is not the only cause of accidents. Awareness of safety comes only from practice - avoid taking unnecessary risks, showing courtesy and consideration to others at all times.
Don't let familiarity make you contemptuous of danger. You can help by following simple guidelines.
Wear refelective jackets and safety boots AT ALL TIMES.
Keep your work area tidy.
Keep corridors and pavements clear of packing materials & other hazards.
Think before you lift anything.
Ensure electric cables are not causing obstructions.
These are typical hazards to illustrate the point, however, there are also numerous others. ALWAYS THINK SAFETY. All accidents MUST
be reported and logged in the Accident Book, and damage to property, clothing or equipment must be reported. Work must always be
carried out safely and efficiently in accordance with Company procedures. If you have any queries or suggestions that you would
like to put forward, please notify your health & safety officer.
Risk Assessments
In accordance with health & safety legislation and following our recent discussions I have drawn what is known as a risk assessment to minimise the possibilities of any accidents to employees or members of the public. I would ask you to read though the assessment very carefully and bring to my attention any action points you feel may be difficult to implement for any reason. As you are aware I take health & safety matters very seriously and would therefore welcome any feedback. Please be aware that this assessment is to be implemented with immediate effect.
The Van
Please ensure seatbelts are worn at all times even on the shortest of journeys. If carrying passengers it is the driverÂ’s responsibility to ensure that they are wearing seatbelts as well.
Only one person (the same person) is responsible for loading/unloading the vehicle as that person will then be aware of any potential
loading/unloading hazards. The same person must be responsible for the safe operation of the tail-lift. Members of the public must not
be allowed to use the tail-lift or enter the removal vehicle at any time when loading.
Loaders must make every effort to ensure the safety of their load by using webbing and or loading bars to minimise the risk of anything falling in transit or when stationary.
Drivers keep to the speed limits and take as many breaks as possible if on a long trip. Do not drive tired under any circumstances. It is not advisable to use the fast lane of the motorway if loaded. If two drivers are working then the burden of driving must be shared equally.
Drivers to report any defects to me in writing. (e-mail). Drivers are also required to check tyres and tyre pressure water, oil levels, lights etc on a weekly basis and before every journey over 20miles.
Use the light in the rear of the van during hours of darkness (please put security bar on vehicle as engine will need to be kept running).
The first aid kit is kept in the vehicle together with safety jackets and warning triangle. The driver of the vehicle must inform me when any of the items in the first aid box require replacing. It must also be checked on a weekly basis.
All staff to be aware of height restriction in van (11ft) and width restriction (7ft) as the driver may not notice it!!
Drivers must ensure a team member sees them back when reversing on every occasion.
When loading/unloading on an incline or slope, it is all staffÂ’s responsibility to ensure vehicle is left in gear with hand-brake firmly on. Also, place blocks under back wheels. There is a VERY SERIOUS risk of death by crushing if the handbrake fails and the vehicle moves back.
When Loading/unloading
You have been given a copy of getting to grips with manual handling but here are the main points for the purpose of the risk assessment;
The Team leader responsible for job must carryout a risk assessment before starting work and ensuring all team members are aware of any potential hazards. Such risks are described in the risk assessment and include slippery steps, dangerous traffic etc where safety jackets should be worn.
Ensure you use all devices to avoid lifting where possible. This will include use of the sack barrow, skate and any other machinery.
If any boxes are too heavy and have been over packed by the customer then it makes sense to share the burden by carrying the box with another team member.
Please ensure that all pathways/corridors are free of any obstacles including our equipment and the customers effects. Pick up all litter and place in a bin. Do not leave in road as it is obvious this belongs to us even if the customer does no say anything and leaves a bad impression.
Team members must attempt to minimise the risk of slipping when working on decking (in gardens) and or slippery steps (moss gathering on them). Please avoid such areas or attempt to use a different route. Each team member must make every effort to warn his/her colleagues when working in such conditions.
If using carpet protectors or floor coverings then team members/customer/members of the public need to be warned of their presence as they may be liable to tripon them. Only use floor protectors if really necessary or there is a danger of dirtying the carpet.
Do not attempt to carry out any electrical work (connection/reconnection) and ensure all electrical appliances are unplugged before packing them. The same applies to gas ovens. These are not to be touched under any circumstances.
For the safety of yourself you are required to wear reflective jackets and steel toe cap boots when working at all times. It is particularly sensible to wear a reflective jacket when loading/unloading as very often motorists may not see you when you come out of the van to cross the road. It may save your life!
Do not block up public rights of way with vehicle or equipment. Disabled, mothers with children and partially sighted need to use the pavement as well! There us also a risk that they may injure themselves by falling over what has been left behind (boxes, our equipment, customer effects etc.).
If working with ladders there must be at least one person holding the ladder and it must be webbed onto the building if possible.
Do not pack any hazardous effects that include gas bottles, flammables (petrol, white spirits, paraffin etc).
Ensure that all broken glass or ceramic is disposed of carefully by wrapping in paper or directly placing into bins.
Be aware that all sofa beds have the potential to harm (as bed mechanism can trap fingers). Best remove frame or tie up frame in bed very securely and avoid placing fingers where may get caught in mechanism. Also glass or wooden sliding doors on cabinets can trap fingers. Even is you are aware of this your team member may not be so please double check with him/her to ensure that he/she is aware of the danger.
If you smoke do not smoke in warehouse and please dispose of cigarette butts away from customers home as surprisingly leaves a bad impression and will not do your tip potential any good! Make sure that they are out and put them in bin or at least well away from customers house.
Use gloves when loading appliances such as washing machines because of sharp edges.
When placing tall items of furniture in the home such as book cases please ensure these items are left leaning on a wall as there is a risk the may fall forwards onto a child or other person.
Very often we are working in an environment with small children. Please consider the many dangers that pose a threat to children. These include boxes and furniture that can easily topple over (do not stack boxes too high) and children playing on van or with our equipment. You must carefully remind our customers that it is their responsibility to ensure that children are supervised and kept well away from the areas that we are working in.
Finally all accidents must be reported to me so that they can be recorded in the accident book.

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MANUAL Handling
Simple ways to stay safe
Wait for it... Ronnie is working on this
Moving Stories
Heroic deeds from TRS Staff
Wait for it... Ronnie is working on this